Exciting week for 5P!

Before our trip to Adel Woods for den building this week, the children enjoyed a DT lesson based on building stable structures. The task was completed in pairs in preparation for our trip!

On Thursday, the children had a lovely trip to Adel Woods and became expert explorers and den builders. They worked in house teams and were judged on the basis of stability, size, weatherproofing and comfort

This week was E-safety week! We had lots of important conversations with the children about how to be safe and kind online. We had an exciting assembly, E-safety workshop, live BBC lesson and each child entered a design competition.

Our week in 5P

During the afternoons in 5P this week, we’ve focused on our Art unit, based on Pole to Pole. The children created an initial sketch. This was inspired by a collection of books and resources based on the Arctic and Antartica. Moving on to our final designs for the silk work, we paid closer attention to our placement, selection and mixture of colours.

As you can see in the photos, the children combined inspiration from the Auroras, their learning of mountain ranges in Geography and animals who live in these environments.

We look forward to showing you our process and final silk pieces!

Last week in 5P

The previous week in 5P was full of learning! We developed our skills in writing dialogue, continued our multiplication unit and delved deeper into our class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’.

We thoroughly enjoyed our Computing lesson, where we learnt about how to search, manage and handle databases. This lesson included lots of quick fire questions around countries, their populations and languages in order to evolve our speed in searching and finding an answer within a large amount of data.

Our week in 5P

In Geography we explored the map of Europe and the world. We paid particular attention to the different hemispheres, climate zones and key geographical features of Greece.

In music we continued to learn how to play the Ukulele!

We braved the cold weather conditions to continue developing our rugby skills. We combined our new passing, attacking and defending skills! A great effort from each member of 5P.

Careers Talk guest & Royal Armouries visit

This week we welcomed Mr Digby for a careers talk. The children were captivated by his work around the world, helping to construct famous bridges and an exciting research centre in Antarctica. Thank you so much Mr Digby!

We loved our trip to the Royal Armouries! 5P had a great day immersing ourselves in workshops involving Spartan solider training and Medusa’s story. We’re ready to take today’s knowledge and awe into the rest of our Ancient Greece unit.

Our week in 5P

We continued to learn and practise Rugby this week. We were very lucky that ACE’s PE specialist Jermaine was able to join us and give us valuable coaching advice.

We were also lucky that Mrs Cooper, our Lead Practitioner, joined our Science lesson where we discovered and learnt about soluble and insoluble solutions through an experiment!

This week is anti-bullying week! We had an in-depth class discussion during PSHE with Miss Peartree about types, roles and ways to communicate around bullying. We all felt passionate about the subject and decided our class chant would be ‘be a buddy, not a bully’. If any of 5P would like to share their feelings after this lesson, I have both a physical and online worry box. Tomorrow will be our anti-bullying picket so we have been busy making signs in small groups.

Our week – 5P

What a week we’ve had! All children were beyond amazing during our production of Macbeth at the Alhambra Studio. We’re all feeling proud but also a little blue after such an amazing half term filled with Drama and finished with a major show.

These are some photos at our time exploring the magical National Science and Media Museum. We took a break and also saw King Charles during our trip!

Today we went on a Remembrance Day trail which involved poems, models and artwork created by Year 6. In the afternoon, we created our own Remembrance Day art using silhouettes.

Our week in 5P!

Although a shorter week, we’ve managed to fit in lots of learning and fun! We have become so confident during our drama practices and are now having a big push to perform without using our scripts. We’ve added some extra special elements to our performance that we are so excited to share with our audience. Our drama has also linked to our Art, PSHE, Writing and Music lessons this week to ensure the children are immersed in this term’s topic.

Virtual Author Event – The exciting release of Fireborn

We had the exciting opportunity this Friday to partake in an engaging virtual author event organised by Leeds City Council. The event was all about a new book being released titled ‘Fireborn’ by Aisling Fowler. The book is set in a richly imagined prehistoric world where a courageous young Huntling braves the forbidding Northern forests in search of a missing girl. We were all super excited when Aisling answered one of our questions about which part of the book did she enjoy writing the most!