As part of our Stranger or Neighbour unit, the children have been exploring and learning about the experiences of those who migrate, both forced and voluntary. This has complimented our reading of ‘The boy at the back of the class’, which follows the life of a child refugee starting at a new school in England. To symbolise the journey of those who migrate, the children are creating collaborative pieces of Art around a feather and wing.
Category Archives: 2022-23
Exploring angles with protractors – ACE Mathematicians
5P being ACE Readers – Library session
Read as a writer – Drama
During Our Writing lessons, we have been investigating our new model text, ‘The First Day’. In order for the pupils to pay close attention to the literary tools in the text, 5P headed to the Dance Studio to act out the model text. Here, the children paid close attention verb choices, speech, ‘show not tell’ language and the position of characters in relation to frontier adverbials/prepositions.
Parent Mail
Please find ParentMail from the week commencing 24th April below.
Colourful Me – Celebration
The class were extremely excited to share their work and learning from our Arts Fortnight. I am very proud of each pupil, who engaged and immersed themselves during each activity, each day. A particular highlight for myself was watching the final dance performance, which I think a lot of our visitors would agree was very moving.A big well done from Miss Peartree!
5P’s Arts Fortnight
5P thoroughly enjoyed the two weeks of Arts Fortnight. The concept was around children exploring their emotions through colour, enabling an ability to better express, digest and explore their emotions. This involved workshops around emotional literacy and understanding. Each morning and afternoon the children ‘checked in’ in their sketch books. At these checkpoints, they chose a colour, which reflected their mood and emotions, then doodled how they felt.
For the most of these two weeks, we were in the Arts studio following a larger process in which to create high-quality pieces of art, that had the concept of our project, ‘Colourful Me’, at its core. Most mornings we were in the dance studio, practising and learning our dance, working alongside Miss Prachatt.
Micro-bit Coding
During Spring 2, the children thoroughly enjoyed the micro-bit unit. Here they worked both collaboratively and independently to create blocks of code in which to programme the micro-bit to perform actions such as text, shaking, sounds and different actions dependent on clicking a button.
World Book Day
What an exciting day full of excitement and wonder! We started the day with the Upper KS2 World Book Day quiz in the main hall. The children worked in house teams to collaboratively produce an answer.
Following this, we created fact files about C.S Lewis, the author of the Chronicles of Narnia. 5P also created illustrations showing their take on a map of Narnia. After finishing the film in the afternoon, we headed to the library for Narnia themed activities including a exciting ‘treasure’ hunt.