After a lengthy process of planning, manipulating cardboard and layering Modroc, the children reached the final stage of painting their sections of Mars. I was so impressed with the children’s use of colour to replicate texture!
Author Archives: epeartree
ACE Writers – CUPS editing
The children are truly flourishing during our CUPS editing lessons. Each child is becoming more confident at successfully and accurately editing their writing work. Here, the children are editing their shared writing, in their table partners, using the CUPS method.
ACE Artists – Typography
As part of our Art unit term term, the children explored, discussed and created, what might be, Mars surface. The children knew from their work around Curosity (the rover) and Space, what Mars’ surface might look like. Moving onto the next lesson, we will further explore our ideas with relief and modroc work!
ACE Readers – Library Visit
5P thoroughly enjoyed their local visit to Moor Allerton Library. We met a librarian and discussed our favourite books. She also talked us through how to find books in a library and what systems are used. The children then were given a opportunity to explore the children’s section of the library and reas a book!
ACE Mathematicians – Concrete Learning
5P have been flourishing in their Decimal and Percentages unit. The children’s understanding has evolved through the power of concrete manipulatives. Here, they’re exploring percentages and their equivalent in decimals and fractions. 5P made fabulous links in this unit and this shone through in their fantastic post unit assessment!
ACE Artists – Cosmic Art
As part of our Spring Term 2 unit, Earth to Beyond, the children have been exploring various oil pastel techniques to mirror that of our solar system, galaxy and planets.
Our special day at the Carriageworks – Macbeth Mania!
WOW! I am so beyond proud of 5P for their magical, awe-inspiring performance at the Carriagework Theatre, Leeds. Each child truly flourished during our Macbeth unit and this translated to our epic performance last night. Thank you to all families for supporting the children and helping them practise/learn their lines.
ACE Writers – Editors
5P have flourished using the CUPS editing method this week. Here, you can see the children working in pairs to edit a whole class writing example, after watching the teacher-modelled version of this strategy for editing. Following this, the children had time to work through their hot write with a partner. Being systematic in their editing, allowed for high-quality final writing pieces. Well done 5P!
ACE Artists – Macbeth T-Shirt Painting
The children have excitedly been painting their t-shirts for our Macbeth Production at the Carriageworks, later this month. The children created their own stencils and with the use of fabric paint, create powerful art! As a class, we decided on a design incorporating Macbeth’s dagger and the much-desired crown.
ACE Coders – Microbits
5P have thoroughly enjoyed their microbits lessons, in which they code to create different outcomes!